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Behavioral Expectations & Consequences


As a member of the coalition of Character Counts! Golden West provides examples and activities that demonstrate good character development. We emphasize the Six Pillars of Good Character through the curriculum and through various student recognition and support programs.

Behavior Expectations: The following standards of good behavior and character allow all students to be successful at Golden West:


                1. Respect yourself and others.

2. Be on time, prepared to learn and have all required materials.

3. Keep your hands and feet to yourself.

4. Respect our school environment.


Purpose of Discipline: Self-discipline is essential to a safe environment conducive to learning. The following

expectations, procedures, and district policies are designed to make all students aware of the rules and to be

responsible for their own behaviors. To accomplish this goal, parents/guardians, teachers, counselors, and

administrators must work together. Parents/guardians are encouraged to communicate regularly with teachers.

Parents may request a return call, e-mail, or conference with teachers to discuss academics, attendance, or other concerns by calling the counseling office at 707-437-8244. It is important to treat all students fairly and consistently. Therefore, procedures are followed consistently and do not violate individual rights guaranteed to students, including the right of due process. If there are questions about procedures and processes, please contact the Golden West Administration Office.


Consequences for Student Misconduct: Most classroom problems are solved by the teacher and student. Parents are partners with the school & should be made aware of problems in need of resolution.

Teachers will take the following prioritized actions when a student misbehaves (except in the case of an acute situation and/or need for an emergency referral):

1. Discuss the problem with the student to review classroom procedures, or set a time for a    teacher/student conference (detention).

2. Call for a parent/student/teacher/team conference.

3. Complete a Referral Form, note contact with a parent and send the student to the Assistant Principal for appropriate disciplinary action.

4. If inappropriate behavior continues, the teacher may suspend the student from class.


Everywhere Expectations

1) Be Safe • 2) Be Responsible • 3) Be Respectful


Common Area

Be Safe

Be Responsible

Be Respectful


·   Walk at all times.

·   Eat only your own food.

·   Use chairs and tables

·    Wait in line patiently.

·    Food and drink must stay in eating areas.

·   Use good manners.

·   Clean up your area.

Multi-Purpose Room

(Physical Education)

·   Sit properly in bleachers/chairs.

·   Use equipment properly.

·   No food, drink, gum.

·   Show good sportsmanship.

·   Return equipment to designated area.

·   No food, drink or gum.

·   Be a team player, encourage others.

Locker Rooms

·   No loitering in locker areas.

·   Do not share lockers.  

·   Pick up litter.

·   Respect property – yours and others’.


Special Events

·   Sit quietly during presentation.

·   Wait for dismissal instructions.

·   Focus on presentation.

·   Listen responsibly.

·   Applaud appropriately.


·   Do not leave once you enter.

·   Check your belongings into the bag room.

·   Dance appropriately.

·   No cell phone or camera use.

Media Center

and Library

·   Use chairs and tables appropriately.

·   Return materials to proper places on time.

·   Use internet appropriately.

·   No food, drink or gum.

·   Use kind words and actions.

·   Respect property – yours and others.

·   Use quiet voices.


·   Use chairs appropriately.

·   State your purpose politely.

·   Obtain permission to use phone.

·   No food, drink or gum.

·   Use kind words and actions.

·   Wait quietly for your appointment.


·   Keep water in sink.

·   Wash hands.

·   Put used towels in the trashcan.

·   No Loitering.

·   Flush toilets.

·   Inform adults of vandalism.

·   Give people privacy. Respect property – yours and others’.


·   Walk bikes, scooters, boards on campus.

·   Secure all modes of transportation with your own lock.

·   No loitering in the bike area.

·   Respect property – yours and others’.

·   Pick up litter.

·   Respect property – yours and others’.

·   Follow crossing guards’ directions.

Bus Area

·   Do not block front doors

·   Stay behind the yellow lines when busses are moving.

·   Wait in line, or in view of your line.

·   Listen for your bus number to be called.

·   Keep your hands and feet to yourself.

·   Respect property, your and others.


·   Ask permission to leave assigned areas.

·   Follow directions and safety procedures.

·   Keep walkways clear.

·   Respect property – yours and others’.

·   Complete class assignments.

·   Actively listen to designated speaker.

·   Use appropriate voice and language.

·   Be prepared and on time.

·   Remove hats/gloves.

·   Stay on task.

·   Clean up after self.

·   No food, drink or gum.